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Faro di Santa Maria, La MaddalenaSardegnaFari programme for lighthouses and semaphores of SardiniaConservatoria delle Coste has been entrusted with 15 regional sites containing lighthouses, semaphores, coastal towers, buildings and infrastructure with the remit of developing a detailed programme for their enhancement, and guaranteeing their careful management under future public leasing.
Sterna in volo - foto di Danilo PisuLIFE STeRNAThe STeRNA project "Casaraccio lagoons, natural resources and environments", presented by Stintino Comune in collaboration with Conservatoria and the Stintino fishing cooperative, was officially launched on the 1st September 2011 and contains a set of actions to be completed in 2015.
Chiara Vigo, master of BissoACCESSITThe ACCESSIT project "Accessible Heritage Itinerary (Itinéraire des Patrimoines Accessibles)" aims to enhance the cultural-historical maritime heritage of the 4 smaller Sardinian islands, with the object of reawakening interest in the world of sea and navigation – a theme that is still not widely addressed.